365 days of pictures....from the Beggining to the end. Starting March 1st, 2007
Friday, April 6, 2007
April 6th, Day 37 Good Friday
The way things are done on Friday night in the Orthodox Church is that there is a "casket" (epitafio) that represents Jesus' death, and a cross that represents the cross Jesus died on. The entire liturgy is not done in the church. People walk around following the "casket" (epitafio) and cross for a couple of blocks as they are singing the hymns. There are alter boys holding some icons and crosses and girls dressed in white to represent the mourning angels. The congregation the follows everyone back to church and people walk under the "casket"(epitafio). Many people believe that this is healing in the church and miracles have happened where people are healed from walking under it.
hi M(aria)? Pictures stopped me on your side very curious and pretty. Wrote earlier I, that this the good idea on doing the pictures (all days of year). I wrote in German because I knew this language. there now it for well :) my English is not for good:P
That's like a parade? Wild.
hi M(aria)? Pictures stopped me on your side very curious and pretty. Wrote earlier I, that this the good idea on doing the pictures (all days of year). I wrote in German because I knew this language. there now it for well :) my English is not for good:P
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